Replace "" with your domain. This example uses www as the end point, if you prefer non-www just change the two domain variations around in the first if statement.
if ($host = "") {
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
Your website speed is impacting your bottom line , here are a few ways to improve it through browser caching, asynchronous loading of resources and other tips and tricks.
Some of our clients have wanted to make sure their logo and branding appear in facebook, twitter, or messaging apps when shared. We came up with a clever solution.
Did someone send you this link?
First: Know that it is meant only as a guide. It's not that you can't shoot great photos, this is just to help you capture the best photography possible to be used in marketing.
Photos M
We've been long time users of Foundation by the amazing folks at Zurb, but when working in a variety of applications we find ourselves typing the same code. This Foundation Text Expander snippet should help.
Heard this before? Yeah me too. at least once a month a nice friendly voice claiming to be from Google calls me wanting help me update my Google listing.
We had a client want to have two methods of accessing a page. The normal long URL was fine, but they also wanted a very short one to use over the phone or in text.